This Sefer Torah has been dedicated in memory of The late RONNY TATARKA OB”M and the late Abe and Mignonette TATARKA

It gives Sarahleh and her children great pleasure to share the zchus (merit) of participating in the writing of this Sefer Torah with the community.

The Jewish Nation is likened to a Sefer Torah. Every individual – big or small, learned or not – is a letter in the Sefer Torah, without which the Sefer Torah is incomplete. We are all dependent on one another, and before G-d Almighty we are all equal.

The Rebbe says that participating in the writing of a Torah Scroll is a wonderful virtue for success and protection

To donate a letter/word/verse in your merit, in the merit of a family member, a friend or in the merit of a loved one who has passed away, please click on one of the following options:


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